Dawn of the Planet of the Apes trailer Title after effects tutorial The new Dawn of the Planet of the Apes trailer just came out, and this is an after effects tutorial on how to do the title at the end of it. This movie looks great and the title was simple yet really cool. Watch this after effects tutorial to see how I created it completely in After Effects with no 3rd party plugins like element 3D or even cinema 4D Here is link to the trailer. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_9-3Fj3ZdI Don't forget to share this video. You never know who among your friends is a closet After Effects user. Thanks. Google+ https://plus.google.com/116138148272103856598/posts After Effects Users Community https://plus.google.com/communities/109444254714171602367 Twitter https://twitter.com/longlivemikey Facebook: meh...
Hi, I'm Mikey Borup, I do After Effects Tutorials, YouTube Marketing News and tips, and pretty much anything related to video production and online video. Enjoy my blog.
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Dawn of the planet of the apes logo title
Dawn of the planet of the apes logo title What do you think? should I make a tutorial. All done in After effects with no 3rd party plugins, Don't forget to share this video. You never know who among your friends is a closet After Effects user. Thanks. Google+ https://plus.google.com/116138148272103856598/posts After Effects Users Community https://plus.google.com/communities/109444254714171602367 Twitter https://twitter.com/longlivemikey Facebook: meh...
Friday, December 13, 2013
After Effects CC 12.1 update review
After Effects CC 12.1 update review This after effects video covers 3 of the stand out new features from the 12.1 CC update. With the switch to Creative Cloud these update are coming more frequently, and not all new things are shiny new features, most of it is behind the scenes stuff. Enjoy this video. Don't forget to share this video. You never know who among your friends is a closet After Effects user. Thanks. Google+ https://plus.google.com/116138148272103856598/posts After Effects Users Community https://plus.google.com/communities/109444254714171602367 Twitter https://twitter.com/longlivemikey Facebook: meh...
Friday, December 6, 2013
Making snowflakes in After Effects tutorial
Making snowflakes in After Effects tutorial How to make a snowflake in after effects, plus make it snow. this is nice after effects tutorial for the holidays, unless you live in the southern hemisphere where it doesn't snow for the holidays, then i'm sorry. just wait 6 months and come watch it again. Free Vignette preset: https://gumroad.com/l/MdbD Don't forget to share this video. You never know who among your friends is a closet After Effects user. Thanks. Google+ https://plus.google.com/116138148272103856598/posts After Effects Users Community https://plus.google.com/communities/109444254714171602367 Twitter https://twitter.com/longlivemikey Facebook: meh...
Friday, November 29, 2013
3D button shape layer after effects tutorial
3D button shape layer after effects tutorial A sweet 3D button all rigged up in After effects and ready to be pressed. Enjoy this succulent After Effects tutorial showing you how to do the whole thing. Please consider subscribing to enjoy these new tutorials every week. Here is a link to download the template. https://gumroad.com/l/cGNPM Don't forget to share this video. You never know who among your friends is a closet After Effects user. Thanks. Google+ https://plus.google.com/116138148272103856598/posts After Effects Users Community https://plus.google.com/communities/109444254714171602367 Twitter https://twitter.com/longlivemikey Facebook: meh...
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Volvo Van Damme Epic Stretchy Pants Epic Split
Volvo Van Damme Epic Stretchy Pants Epic Split Volvo Epic split parody, whats more epic than the volvo epic split video? Nothing, but watch this epic stretchy pants epic split video as well. Why? because stretchy pants. Don't forget to share this video. About Me: I do After Effects Tutorials and videos, I created this parody Epic Split video using Adobe After Effects. If this is something you are interested in learning more about, then please subscribe to http://www.youtube.com/user/longlivemikey Original Volvo Video and description: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7FIvfx5J10 Watch Jean-Claude Van Damme carry out his famous split between two reversing trucks. Never done before, JCVD says it's the most epic of splits -- what do you think? Please share & comment! This live test was set up to demonstrate the precision and directional stability of Volvo Dynamic Steering -- a world first technology that makes the new Volvo FM easier to drive. Filmed in Spain on a closed-off landing field at sunrise in one take. Directed by Andreas Nilsson Soundtrack by Enya: Only Time More about Volvo Dynamic Steering: http://volvotrucks.com/fm Don't miss coming films and other exciting material: https://www.facebook.com/VolvoTrucks https://twitter.com/VolvoTrucks See the Teaser with Jean-Claude Van Damme and the technician behind the new steering: http://youtu.be/Yatg89gi0nM
Saturday, November 16, 2013
water color effect in After Effects
water color effect in After Effects Messing around with After Effects to create a watercolor look. done all with first party plugins, the only thing I brought in was a paper texture. Don't forget to share this video. You never know who among your friends is a closet After Effects user. Thanks. Google+ https://plus.google.com/116138148272103856598/posts After Effects Users Community https://plus.google.com/communities/109444254714171602367 Twitter https://twitter.com/longlivemikey Facebook: meh...
After Effects Tutorial: Tracking UI elements to Stock Footage
After Effects Tutorial: Tracking UI elements to Stock Footage Create a FREE account with Dissolve to receive 3 FREE HD clips valued over $160 - http://dissolve.com/?expert=NF9865 Lots of great tracking tips in this after effects tutorial. Plus a cool little expression to create secondary animations dynamically from your track. Don't forget to share this video. You never know who among your friends is a closet After Effects user. Thanks. More about Dissolve: Dissolve provides high-quality footage on a wide variety of topics for use in professional television and web-based advertising work, corporate promotions and training videos, editorial and documentary settings, interactive web sites, video games and mobile applications. Google+ https://plus.google.com/116138148272103856598/posts After Effects Users Community https://plus.google.com/communities/109444254714171602367 Twitter https://twitter.com/longlivemikey Facebook: meh... Submit a tutorial request. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1MDCpP_6njpD4MrVnJibcyOjkVX8b3boJaOTN8sJP7jQ/viewform
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
mr baldy goes for a stroll
mr baldy goes for a stroll Here is the corresponding tutorial and blog post. http://www.premiumbeat.com/blog/character-animation-fundamentals-for-after-effects/ Don't forget to share this video. You never know who among your friends is a closet After Effects user. Thanks. Google+ https://plus.google.com/116138148272103856598/posts After Effects Users Community https://plus.google.com/communities/109444254714171602367 Twitter https://twitter.com/longlivemikey Facebook: meh...
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
FREE Shape Layer 3D Cube in After Effects
FREE Shape Layer 3D Cube in After Effects A totally free download, for fun and education. feel free to dive into these shape layers to see how my mind works when it comes to rigging up shapes that look 3D. Enjoy https://gumroad.com/l/nzJY Don't forget to share this video. You never know who among your friends is a closet After Effects user. Thanks. Google+ https://plus.google.com/116138148272103856598/posts After Effects Users Community https://plus.google.com/communities/109444254714171602367 Twitter https://twitter.com/longlivemikey Facebook: meh...
Friday, November 8, 2013
Accordion Fold Transition After Effects Tutorial
Accordion Fold Transition After Effects Tutorial A clever After Effects tutorial for a sweet looking accordion fold. I hope you enjoy it enough to comment and share, Also i have been sick, so my voice sounds a bit funny, but thats okay, i'm getting better now and will be back for more un-sick after effects tutorials next week. Don't forget to share this video. You never know who among your friends is a closet After Effects user. Thanks. Google+ https://plus.google.com/116138148272103856598/posts After Effects Users Community https://plus.google.com/communities/109444254714171602367 Twitter https://twitter.com/longlivemikey Facebook: meh...
Friday, November 1, 2013
Parallax Scrolling After Effects Tutorial
Parallax Scrolling After Effects Tutorial A slick way to create parallax scrolling in after effects with this nice tutorial. It uses expressions, and nothing is in 3D, so its all 2D for this one. Check it out and don't forget to share this video. You never know who among your friends is a closet After Effects user. Thanks. Here are the links. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parallax_scrolling http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1PTexshfh38 Expression (as seen at 6:00) spread=index*10*thisComp.layer("Control").effect("Slider Control")("Slider"); [transform.position[0]-spread,transform.position[1]]; Google+ https://plus.google.com/116138148272103856598/posts After Effects Users Community https://plus.google.com/communities/109444254714171602367 Twitter https://twitter.com/longlivemikey Facebook: meh...
Friday, October 4, 2013
Setting up lights in a small space
Setting up lights in a small space Sometimes the places you are asked to film in just really suck, Here is a behind the scene look at such a place, and see how I set up my lights and camera. Get free access to a 7 day mini course on YouTube marketing !!! Click HERE http://gofastvideotrafficformula.com/free-lessons Connect with me on Google+ https://plus.google.com/116138148272103856598 Also follow me on twitter! https://twitter.com/longlivemikey Make sure to subscribe to me on YouTube to learn about how to create better content on YouTube, create better looking videos on YouTube through great video production. Also how to increase website traffic and get free website traffic with YouTube, video and youtube seo, video marketing and youtube marketing! http://www.youtube.com/user/mikeyborupvideo?feature=watch
Thursday, October 3, 2013
YouTube Marketing Case Study: Upload week 3 and the new Music Library
YouTube Marketing Case Study: Upload week 3 and the new Music Library Have you seen the new YouTube Music library? This video covers the basics, and if you were wondering about the color coding, this explains it a bit. Get free access to a 7 day mini course on YouTube marketing !!! Click HERE http://gofastvideotrafficformula.com/free-lessons Connect with me on Google+ https://plus.google.com/116138148272103856598 Also follow me on twitter! https://twitter.com/longlivemikey Make sure to subscribe to me on YouTube to learn about how to create better content on YouTube, create better looking videos on YouTube through great video production. Also how to increase website traffic and get free website traffic with YouTube, video and youtube seo, video marketing and youtube marketing! http://www.youtube.com/user/mikeyborupvideo?feature=watch
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
YouTube Marketing Case Study: Editing a Product Review
YouTube Marketing Case Study: Editing a Product Review Tips for editing a product review. Get free access to a 7 day mini course on YouTube marketing !!! Click HERE http://gofastvideotrafficformula.com/free-lessons Connect with me on Google+ https://plus.google.com/116138148272103856598 Also follow me on twitter! https://twitter.com/longlivemikey Make sure to subscribe to me on YouTube to learn about how to create better content on YouTube, create better looking videos on YouTube through great video production. Also how to increase website traffic and get free website traffic with YouTube, video and youtube seo, video marketing and youtube marketing! http://www.youtube.com/user/mikeyborupvideo?feature=watch
YouTube Marketing Case Study - How to shoot a product review video
YouTube Marketing Case Study - How to shoot a product review video Get free access to a 7 day mini course on YouTube marketing !!! Click HERE http://gofastvideotrafficformula.com/free-lessons Connect with me on Google+ https://plus.google.com/116138148272103856598 Also follow me on twitter! https://twitter.com/longlivemikey Make sure to subscribe to me on YouTube to learn about how to create better content on YouTube, create better looking videos on YouTube through great video production. Also how to increase website traffic and get free website traffic with YouTube, video and youtube seo, video marketing and youtube marketing! http://www.youtube.com/user/mikeyborupvideo?feature=watch
How to script a product review video - YouTube Marketing Case Study
How to script a product review video - YouTube Marketing Case Study Get free access to a 7 day mini course on YouTube marketing !!! Click HERE http://gofastvideotrafficformula.com/free-lessons In this video I talk about how to script a product review video for my YouTube Marketing Case Study. A product review video is great because it establishes the person talking as an authority on the subject while also allowing them to be non-biased. Reviewing products are great content for YouTube videos because people want to know about products before buying them. Watch the video to learn about how easy it is to script the product review video and how you can script your own as well. Connect with me on Google+ https://plus.google.com/116138148272103856598 Also follow me on twitter! https://twitter.com/longlivemikey Make sure to subscribe to me on YouTube to learn about how to create better content on YouTube, create better looking videos on YouTube through great video production. Also how to increase website traffic and get free website traffic with YouTube, video and youtube seo, video marketing and youtube marketing! http://www.youtube.com/user/mikeyborupvideo?feature=watch
Friday, September 27, 2013
Google+ comments on YouTube - Pros and Cons
Google+ comments on YouTube - Pros and Cons Wondering about the new Google+ Comments on YouTube? here is my overview and thoughts about this new YouTube change. Get free access to a 7 day mini course on YouTube marketing !!! Click HERE http://gofastvideotrafficformula.com/free-lessons Connect with me on Google+ https://plus.google.com/116138148272103856598 Also follow me on twitter! https://twitter.com/longlivemikey Make sure to subscribe to me on YouTube to learn about how to create better content on YouTube, create better looking videos on YouTube through great video production. Also how to increase website traffic and get free website traffic with YouTube, video and youtube seo, video marketing and youtube marketing! http://www.youtube.com/user/mikeyborupvideo?feature=watch
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
after effects puppet tool tutorial and preset sneak peek
after effects puppet tool tutorial and preset sneak peek Some puppet tool animations, PLUS a sneak peek at some new presets! Don't forget to share this video. You never know who among your friends is a closet After Effects user. Thanks. Google+ https://plus.google.com/116138148272103856598/posts After Effects Users Community https://plus.google.com/communities/109444254714171602367 Twitter https://twitter.com/longlivemikey Facebook: meh...
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Testing out my new after effects ISO CUBE preset
Testing out my new after effects ISO CUBE preset Some tests with a new after effects preset i'm working on, ISO CUBE. Don't forget to share this video. You never know who among your friends is a closet After Effects user. Thanks. Google+ https://plus.google.com/116138148272103856598/posts After Effects Users Community https://plus.google.com/communities/109444254714171602367 Twitter https://twitter.com/longlivemikey Facebook: meh...
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
messing around with puppet tool and growing cubes
messing around with puppet tool and growing cubes This is me just messing around with the puppet tool and a new Isometric Cube preset i'm working on. Kind of cool growing feel to it. Don't forget to share this video. You never know who among your friends is a closet After Effects user. Thanks. Google+ https://plus.google.com/116138148272103856598/posts After Effects Users Community https://plus.google.com/communities/109444254714171602367 Twitter https://twitter.com/longlivemikey Facebook: meh...
Friday, September 13, 2013
After Effects Tutorial Magnifying Glass
After Effects Tutorial Magnifying Glass Sweet after effects tutorial for a Magnifying Glass effect. Also if you get a little overwhelmed with this tutorial (even though its pretty simple) here is a free template to download. http://gum.co/magnify Don't forget to share this video. You never know who among your friends is a closet After Effects user. Thanks. Google+ https://plus.google.com/116138148272103856598/posts After Effects Users Community https://plus.google.com/communities/109444254714171602367 Twitter https://twitter.com/longlivemikey Facebook: meh...
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Friday, September 6, 2013
after effects light sweep 3d text shadow reflection
after effects light sweep 3d text shadow reflection creating a 3D environment with 3d text and shadows (including reflection) with after effects, but this is the quick and dirty way to do it. Its easy and fast and still looks great. Don't forget to share this video. You never know who among your friends is a closet After Effects user. Thanks. Google+ https://plus.google.com/116138148272103856598/posts After Effects Users Community https://plus.google.com/communities/109444254714171602367 Twitter https://twitter.com/longlivemikey Facebook: meh...
Friday, August 30, 2013
After Effects Custom Preset Effects by Mikey
After Effects Custom Preset Effects by Mikey LABOR DAY SALE %50 ALL ITEMS use coupon code: happy50 till end of day monday. ALSO one of my items when you enter the code become FREE but I'm not going to tell you which one, you'll have to try and find out on your own. All of my after effects presets and after effects custom effects that I have for free or for sale. You can click on the annotations on the video, or see them all at http://www.gumroad.com/longlivemikey Flare Plus: https://gumroad.com/l/flareplus Wiggly Text: https://gumroad.com/l/wiggly Typist: https://gumroad.com/l/typist Mikey's Vignette: https://gumroad.com/l/MdbD Distress: https://gumroad.com/l/crtDistress Split: https://gumroad.com/l/split Beautify: https://gumroad.com/l/beautify Don't forget to share this video. You never know who among your friends is a closet After Effects user. Thanks. Google+ https://plus.google.com/116138148272103856598/posts After Effects Users Community https://plus.google.com/communities/109444254714171602367 Twitter https://twitter.com/longlivemikey Facebook: meh...
AFter Effects beautify preset digital makeup
AFter Effects beautify preset digital makeup Beautify is a Custom Effect Preset that does just that, beautify. It is similar to Beauty Box and Cosmo in the way that it makes skin Beautiful and Young looking. BONUS it also makes Green Screen Beautiful as well making them easier to key. https://gumroad.com/l/beautify Don't forget to share this video. You never know who among your friends is a closet After Effects user. Thanks. Google+ https://plus.google.com/116138148272103856598/posts After Effects Users Community https://plus.google.com/communities/109444254714171602367 Twitter https://twitter.com/longlivemikey Facebook: meh...
After Effects Keyboard Shortcuts, Tips and Tricks
After Effects Keyboard Shortcuts, Tips and Tricks I believe in keyboard shortcuts, if you can work faster, you can learn faster. This video goes over all of my favorite keyboard shortcuts and after effects tips and tricks. If you have any super awesome tips of your own, please share them in the comments. Thanks. Don't forget to share this video. You never know who among your friends is a closet After Effects user. Thanks. Google+ https://plus.google.com/116138148272103856598/posts After Effects Users Community https://plus.google.com/communities/109444254714171602367 Twitter https://twitter.com/longlivemikey Facebook: meh...
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
After Effects Transitions: Cool transitions in After Effects Tutorial
After Effects Transitions: Cool transitions in After Effects Tutorial This after effects tutorial will talk about making cool transitions with after effects. After effects is really perfect for creating these transitions because of all of the flexibility with compositing and keyframing. For this tutorial you will need some footage to transition to and from, and 3 different textures. I just found some on google images when I did mine. Don't forget to share this video. You never know who among your friends is a closet After Effects user. Thanks. Google+ https://plus.google.com/116138148272103856598/posts After Effects Users Community https://plus.google.com/communities/109444254714171602367 Twitter https://twitter.com/longlivemikey Facebook: meh...
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
1 last Beautify Preset Mature Skin Example
1 last Beautify Preset Mature Skin Example This is another example of my Beautify Preset i'm working on. I believe I am all done and then I'll show you all how it works, so hopefully this is the last example. Don't forget to share this video. You never know who among your friends is a closet After Effects user. Thanks. Google+ https://plus.google.com/116138148272103856598/posts After Effects Users Community https://plus.google.com/communities/109444254714171602367 Twitter https://twitter.com/longlivemikey Facebook: meh...
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Beauty box vs Mikey's Preset
Beauty box vs Mikey's Preset This is a comparison of my soon to be released beautification preset for after effects and the much more expensive Beauty Box plugin. I know that Beauty box ($200) has all sorts of facial recognition and automatic skin detection and bla bla bla, but the results speak for themselves. My preset is pretty much as good if not better than beauty box. This preset has an intensity slider that goes from 0 to 100, this was set at 40%.
Friday, August 16, 2013
After Effects Kinetic Typography tutorial
After Effects Kinetic Typography tutorial This is a Quick and Dirty way to do motion typography, or kinetic typography with after effects. This after effects tutorial covers some basics with keyframes, cameras, 3D and Type Tool. Be sure to share this video if it helped you out. Also, check out my channel http://www.youtube.com/user/longlivemikey this fancy channel sports a variety of great after effects tutorials for your viewing pleasure. Thanks
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
After Effects Motion Typography TEASER
After Effects Motion Typography TEASER This is a teaser for my new Tutorial coming out on Friday. BUT if you are a member of my Google+ After Effects Insiders circle, then you can get a sneak peek at the FULL tutorial before it goes public on YouTube. Just circle me on Google+ and ask to be apart of my After Effects Insiders circle.
Friday, August 2, 2013
Element 3D Shadows in After Effects
Element 3D Shadows in After Effects Element 3D shadows rig. Shadows in Element 3D in After Effects https://www.paywithatweet.com/pay/?id=2ca2f4f1d48f18b2faa7840c02e12f8f Get the template for free. Just tweet!!! An after effects template to create soft shadows with Element 3D get it FREE, Pay with a tweet! Help spread the word!!!
Friday, July 26, 2013
Mikey's After Effects Tutorial intro logo tutorial
Mikey's After Effects Tutorial intro logo tutorial This after effects tutorial is on how I did the intro animation for all of my new after effects tutorials. I built this animation around my new logo i'm using for my after effects tutorial channel right here on YouTube. In this tutorial I used 2 presets and one template that I have created and that are available. Kinetitype Template: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZnCEH_dEAM That is the link for the bundle, but its available individually as well Typist Preset: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uzfq01pne5g or do it without the preset (but not as cool, but free) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dmTBoQ7GaQ and then last but not least, my Vignette Preset (free): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAlTDTTzovo If you would like to get involved, the best thing is to comment on the videos or on the channel. I try to respond to every question that I get through the comments. Also make sure you subscribe to my YouTube channel for more after effects tutorials. Or at least go check it out. http://www.youtube.com/user/longlivemikey
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Create Moving Graphs w/ Element 3D in After Effects
Create Moving Graphs w/ Element 3D in After Effects A tutorial on creating moving graphic in element 3D in After Effects. There is a little trick to make this happen. Usually Element 3D does weird stuff when you try to animate the Mask.
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Element 3d shadows in after effects
Element 3d shadows in after effects Some experimenting with doing some really cool shadows in after effects with element 3d. I've got this set up so I can easily swap out text, and even animate it and the shadows will dynamically change to fit. Pretty cool.
Monday, July 15, 2013
Mikey's New After Effects Tutorial Intro
Mikey's New After Effects Tutorial Intro This is a quick after effects render showing my new intro for my after effects tutorials. I call it AE With Mikey. What do you think? I'm working on a tutorial on how I did it right now, but I have some others waiting in line to be released first. I created this with this Preset Bundle. https://gumroad.com/l/UMTB
Natural Teeth whitening with after effects tutorial
Natural Teeth whitening with after effects tutorial Teeth whitening in after effects can be easy, especially if you do some basic motion tracking. This after effects tutorial will show you how its done, and how to make it look natural and not completely fake. If you found this tutorial useful, please share it with others. Thanks.
Friday, July 5, 2013
After Effects Tutorial: Rising Arrows, Stock Market Graph
After Effects Tutorial: Rising Arrows, Stock Market Graph This is a quick video to show an easy way to create rising and falling arrows in after effects, like you see in stock market graphs. This tutorial is short and really just a quick tip, I hope you enjoy. Be sure to subscribe and check out my other tutorials. Thanks.
Friday, June 28, 2013
World War Z Title done in After Effects and Cinema 4D Lite
World War Z Title done in After Effects and Cinema 4D Lite This tutorial is my first one using after effects cc, or the adobe creative cloud. I do the title to World War Z, instead of using a plugin like element 3D, I used the newly built in cinema 4D capabilities of After Effects CC. The Cineware plugin and Cinema 4D lite. Please consider subscribing to my channel. http://www.youtube.com/user/longlivemikey And feel free to comment, like, and share this video. Thanks.
Friday, June 21, 2013
World War Z main title After Effects TEASER
World War Z main title After Effects TEASER This is a quick teaser of my new tutorial coming up, I'll show you how to do the main title to World War Z (starring Brad Pitt) This effect does not use ANY 3rd party plugins, But it was made with the latest version of After Effects, After Effects CC or Creative Cloud. I took advantage of the new Cinema 4D pipeline and Cineware plugin.
Friday, June 14, 2013
How to record After Effects Tutorials: Equipment
How to record After Effects Tutorials: Equipment I get a lot of questions about what equipment I use to record my tutorials. This is a quick and dirty tour of my computer the AV setup I use for my after effects tutorials. I'd love to hear your opinions on microphones and I/O boxes. Here is a link to the equipment I use, This is an affiliate link, which means if you buy any of these product from my link, i'll get a bit of money :) http://astore.amazon.com/mikeyborup-20 Please consider subscribing. http://www.youtube.com/user/longlivemikey
Friday, June 7, 2013
After Effects Vignette Preset CUSTOM EFFECT
After Effects Vignette Preset CUSTOM EFFECT This Pay What You Want preset creates an incredible vignette that is just as functional as the plugins that cost as much as $25. When you download, you will get this NEW custom preset and the old one as well. I was inspired by a plugin ft-vingetting pro, but its 25$ and mine could be free. My after effects preset does almost just as much as the 25$ plugin. and again PAY WHAT YOU WANT. so please enjoy this vignette preset. or at least download it then you'll know how to make your own preset if thats what your into. But with out further rambling. Here is the link The plugin is Pay What You Want. Suggested amount is $1.00, but you could put zero. http://gum.co/MdbD YouTube wouldn't let me paste the code in here, so it is included in a text file with the download. Also, check out my channel, I've got some great after effects tutorials. http://www.youtube.com/user/longlivemikey Connect with me on Google+ https://plus.google.com/116138148272103856598
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Flare Plus: After Effects Lens Flare Preset
Flare Plus: After Effects Lens Flare Preset Take the boring old stock lens flare for After Effects, and make it AWESOME. This Preset (pay what you want) is available here https://gumroad.com/l/flareplus Make your lens flares stand out with out paying tons of money. Enjoy. Also please share, like and comment on this video if you have any questions, or if you appreciate this preset.
Friday, May 31, 2013
Pacific Rim Titles: After Effects Tutorial
Pacific Rim Titles: After Effects Tutorial Want to do the titles like in pacific rim trailer? I've got this nice (very long, sorry) after effects tutorial that details the process. The animated title can be done in after effects without any 3rd party plugins, so thats pretty neat. Again sorry for the long tutorial. If you just want to download the project file, i've got that available, gum.co/srim -Visit the Video Missile After Effects Tutorial youtube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/LongLiveMikey What is After Effects? Well, Adobe after effects (cs3, cs4, cs5) is a comprehensive compositing and motion graphics software package. Used by professionals around the world, even on many hollywood films, especially in the closing titles or opening titles. After Effects is know for its robust environment perfect for green screen compositing, animated logos, kinetic typography and broadcast design. additional tags Adobe After Effects, After Effects, After Effects Tutorial, after effects animation, after effects intro, after effects videos, After Effects video, video effects, video animations, After Effects cs3, After Effects cs4, After Effects cs5, cs5 tutorials, video tutorials, after effect, after effects text, adobe tutorials, after effect tutorials, effects with after effects, adobe effects, video missile, 5 minutes or less, saving you time, saving you money, save you time, save you money, learn after effects, learn adobe, video compositing, compositing, motion graphics, broadcast design, green screen, animated logos, kinetic typography Connect with me on Google+ https://plus.google.com/116138148272103856598
Monday, May 27, 2013
Pacific Rim Titles Tutorial Preview
Pacific Rim Titles Tutorial Preview This is a sneak peek at my new Tutorial, the Pacific Rim style titles. The tutorial will go live on May 31st, friday. But for those of you who are impatient, i've made the project file available to download (for a small fee) at http://gum.co/SRIM Thanks for watching, and don't forget to subscribe at http://www.youtube.com/user/longlivemikey
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Ultimate Motion Typography Bundle Overview for After Effects
Ultimate Motion Typography Bundle Overview for After Effects This video covers my new After Effects template and After Effects preset bundle. Also included in this bundle is a cool sound effects for motion graphics pack. Supercharge your motion graphics and motion typography with this all inclusive after effects pack. Buy the new bundle for only $14.99 here - https://gumroad.com/l/UMTB What is included: Kinetitype Animated Typeface ($12.99) This animated typeface is like having several all in one. 3 different animation settings, plus stroke, fill and color settings for lots of different possibilities of looks and styles. Plus, the animation style and font is very universal and can be used in a wide variety of work. This animated typeface is based off of the FreeUniversal font, found here http://openfontlibrary.org/en/font/freeuniversal Buy Separately: http://gum.co/kinetitype WARNING- this was created and tested in CS6 only, there is a CS5.5 template file as well, but I haven't tested in on that version. If you have CS5 or earlier, this will not work on your system Sound FX for MOGRAPH ($9.99) This all new Sound FX pack is just about everything you need to polish off your Motion Graphics project. Swishes, Bops, Pops, and a variety of unique sounds. A whole folder of just Blips and Beeps that add a bit of retro/computer feel to the pack. Also included is some great Typing sounds and Writing sounds that go great with this bundle. Buy Separately: http://gum.co/mographFX Typist Preset ($1.00) This preset makes creating the computer type on look a breeze, Just keyframe the beginning and end, and the preset will do the rest, Including two types of blinking cursors (or no cursor for that matter) Buy Separately: http://gum.co/typist Wiggly Preset ($2.99) This preset is one of those you need to see kind of things, But for the sake of this description, it creates a hand drawn wiggly animated look. This look is very popular and there are even animated typefaces that this is all it is, but with one fault, they only have one font type. MY preset will work on any font. Buy Separately: http://gum.co/wiggly
Animated Type On Effect: After Effects Type On Preset
Animated Type On Effect: After Effects Type On Preset Typist Preset: This preset makes creating the computer type on look a breeze, Just keyframe the beginning and end, and the preset will do the rest, Including two types of blinking cursors (or no cursor for that matter) BUNDLE AND SAVE: get the Sound FX apart of the Ultimate Motion Typography Bundle and save money. Click this link http://gum.co/UMTB
Sound FX for motion graphics
Sound FX for motion graphics Sound FX for MOGRAPH: This all new Sound FX pack is just about everything you need to polish off your Motion Graphics project. Swishes, Bops, Pops, and a variety of unique sounds. A whole folder of just Blips and Beeps that add a bit of retro/computer feel to the pack. Also included is some great Typing sounds and Writing sounds that go great when you buy this apart of the Ultimate Motion Typography Bundle.
Hand drawn text preset. Create that hand drawn look with any font or shape
Hand drawn text preset. Create that hand drawn look with any font or shape Wiggly Preset: This preset is one of those you need to see kind of things, But for the sake of this description, it creates a hand drawn wiggly animated look. This look is very popular and there are even animated typefaces that this is all it is, but with one fault, they only have one font type. MY preset will work on any font. BUNDLE AND SAVE: get the Sound FX apart of the Ultimate Motion Typography Bundle and save money. Click this link http://gum.co/UMTB
Kinetitype Animated Typeface After Effects Template Promo
Kinetitype Animated Typeface After Effects Template Promo Kinetitype Animated Typeface: This animated typeface is like having several all in one. 3 different animation settings, plus stroke, fill and color settings for lots of different possibilities of looks and styles. Plus, the animation style and font is very universal and can be used in a wide variety of work. This animated typeface is based off of the FreeUniversal font, found here http://openfontlibrary.org/en/font/freeuniversal WARNING- this was created and tested in CS6 only, there is a CS5.5 template file as well, but I haven't tested in on that version. If you have CS5 or earlier, this will not work on your system BUNDLE AND SAVE: get the Sound FX apart of the Ultimate Motion Typography Bundle and save money. Click this link http://gum.co/UMTB
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Creating Value: The Formulation of Content Creation
Let's Start
In this digital age, everyone seems to have an audience, and everybody equally has the chance of being heard and noticed. YouTube, Twitter, Google+ (I think there might be one more, but I cant remember the name of it) are all platforms tailored for engagement. In this post i'll step you through my ultimate equation to creating value, and in turn engagement.
Math To The Rescue!
Math can't rescue all things, But I think this equation works well for this very problem we have.
Value = Return - Investment
Pretty simple, only 3 variables in the equation. Lets talk about each one individually, but start at the end.
Investment is probably where we all should begin.
So an easy way to BEGIN to determine investment is price. Is your content free? If you are talking social media, then it most likely is, but that is not the only type of content. This equation works for all. Books, Apps, Coaching, Food, you name it.
Price is not the only factor for investment though. Lets break it down with an example. Say you just bought a candy bar for a dollar. Investment could be a number of things, like $1.00, the time it takes to eat it, the risk of cavities, getting chocolate on your clothes (if you are a clumsy eater), you might even choke on a peanut and die! So to say that a YouTube video, or a blog post has no investment you are wrong. This article, for example, you did not pay to read it, but you are taking the time. You are reading, sharing and commenting (well hopefully) and that then sends signals out to your friends that you support and/or endorse this blog. This is a kind of SOCIAL investment. This is also why some people have a hard time getting into social media, they don't want to plant their flag anywhere, they hate to take sides. So in basic, the higher the investment, the lower the value.
This one is a bit harder to determine. Return is completely based on the viewer, which you have no idea what they are thinking. This is where knowing your audience comes in. If you were not interested in creating content, internet marketing, social media, or even just YouTube, there might not be a lot that you get out of this article. Therefor you would have little return. The smaller the return, the smaller the value.
How do you know your audience? You could start by asking them. You see this all of the time on YouTube. "Please comment" "what video would you like to see" "what questions do you have" these are all things you here often in the videos of successful youtube stars. Another way to know your audience is to be the one to define and create it in the first place. Join groups and communities around a niche topic. Use keywords and optimize your content for them. If you are keywording your content for Skin Care or Makeup Tutorials chances are you won't get hardcore biker dudes following your posts. By doing some simple SEO, you can determine that most of your audience will be somewhat pre-determined to enjoy your content, and get a high value of return from it.
Calculating Value
Now to put it all together is as simple doing the subtraction. Take your return (what you got out of it) and subtracted the investment (what you put into it) and there you have your value. If people put more into your content then they get out, will they engage? Will they comment? Will they share? Absolutely not.
So, in order to create more value, we need to either increase the return, or decrease the investment. I believe the best option is to do a little bit of both. Add more tips, tricks, or killer content. Have more pictures to make it fun to read, and keeping a fun light tone (if the content permits) are ways of increasing the Return. Discounting (if you are charging) your content, have the content more concise and shorter, and require less hoops to jump through in order to get the content (i'm looking at you internet marketer) are ways of decreasing investment. So basically, better content for less investment. THAT is what people will read, share, comment and love to engage with.
I hope you enjoy my little insight to content creation. Feel free to connect with me (Google+ is my preferred network), comment, or share this post. Really, I wont mind.
Friday, April 19, 2013
Google+ Page = Great way to do a second channel!
So. I had a bit of a discussion today about the best way to create a second channel on YouTube. Without thinking much about it, I blurted out "use a google+ page link, and then become a manger on it from your other email address" Seemed like a good enough idea. So I decided to try it out to see how well it worked.
I'm not going to give you all of the details about google+ page/YT integration, but just my experience with setting up a second YT page with this method.
First I had to sign out of all my accounts. This is one of those little frustrations about YouTube that I don't encounter very often, but when I do I wish they would change it. In order to create a new YT account, you can't be signed into any existing YT account.
Next I created a new account. Gave it a name, monetized it, verified it, did everything that YT loves.
Then I disconnected it from G+, by default when you start a new YT account it will create a G+ account and connect it for you. If you are connected to a G+ Profile, then you can't connect to a Page.
Continuing On I then went to the advanced options for the page where you can connect to a G+ page. this is the link -> http://www.youtube.com/account_advanced
Again, if you are not monetized, verified and already connected to your profile, then this link will do nothing for you.
Now just connect it to your Page (OR if you don't have a page yet, it will create one for you. pretty slick)
The Hard Part was to get my personal email account to be a manager on this new page. For some reason G+ was having a hard time sending an invite to my Gmail address. It said the invite was sent, but no email ever came. I ended up sending it to another address, to see if that would work. And it did the email came right through. When I clicked on the link to confirm my manager position, it asked me which google account to use. So I picked the email account I wanted to use in the first place.
Kind of a hack, but It ended up working.
Now I have everything linked up. To test it, I signed out of all my accounts on Google. Signed into just the 1 account that is now a manager and connected to this new YT channel. and went to YouTube.
As expected, I could go to my channel settings and video manager for my main channel, But I could also easily switch to this second channel that is linked to the new G+ page and manage that too.
For me, just one person, it really isn't any easier to do it this way, then it is to have both accounts saved into my google account switcher. It works about the same way, but now I don't have to remember the user and pass for this second account (but that doesn't really matter since my browser remembers it for me)
But if you are wanting multiple people to have access to this new YT page, this is the way to go. Also, if I am logging into my YT from a different computer that doesn't have my settings, I still have access to this channel without logging it to it as well.
Further Experiments
Now that I have this set up this way i'm going to wait 2 weeks and make my original email account the owner of the G+ Page. I wonder if I switch ownership If I can get rid of the other google account all together and still keep the YT channel?
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