Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes trailer Title after effects tutorial

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes trailer Title after effects tutorial The new Dawn of the Planet of the Apes trailer just came out, and this is an after effects tutorial on how to do the title at the end of it. This movie looks great and the title was simple yet really cool. Watch this after effects tutorial to see how I created it completely in After Effects with no 3rd party plugins like element 3D or even cinema 4D Here is link to the trailer. Don't forget to share this video. You never know who among your friends is a closet After Effects user. Thanks. Google+ After Effects Users Community Twitter Facebook: meh...

Dawn of the planet of the apes logo title

Dawn of the planet of the apes logo title What do you think? should I make a tutorial. All done in After effects with no 3rd party plugins, Don't forget to share this video. You never know who among your friends is a closet After Effects user. Thanks. Google+ After Effects Users Community Twitter Facebook: meh...

Friday, December 13, 2013

After Effects CC 12.1 update review

After Effects CC 12.1 update review This after effects video covers 3 of the stand out new features from the 12.1 CC update. With the switch to Creative Cloud these update are coming more frequently, and not all new things are shiny new features, most of it is behind the scenes stuff. Enjoy this video. Don't forget to share this video. You never know who among your friends is a closet After Effects user. Thanks. Google+ After Effects Users Community Twitter Facebook: meh...

Friday, December 6, 2013

Making snowflakes in After Effects tutorial

Making snowflakes in After Effects tutorial How to make a snowflake in after effects, plus make it snow. this is nice after effects tutorial for the holidays, unless you live in the southern hemisphere where it doesn't snow for the holidays, then i'm sorry. just wait 6 months and come watch it again. Free Vignette preset: Don't forget to share this video. You never know who among your friends is a closet After Effects user. Thanks. Google+ After Effects Users Community Twitter Facebook: meh...